Relational Database Service in AWS


3 min read

Relational Database Service in AWS

What is Amazon RDS?

Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) allows you to set up, operate, and scale a relational database in the AWS Cloud. It manages the database instances while you focus on your applications.

Task 1: Setting Up RDS and EC2 Connectivity with MySQL

Step 1: Create a Free Tier RDS Instance of MySQL

  1. Log in to your AWS Console: Go to AWS Management Console and sign in to your AWS account.

  2. Open RDS Console: In the AWS Management Console, navigate to the RDS service.

  3. Launch a DB Instance:

    • Click on "Create database."

    • Choose "Standard Create."

    • Select the MySQL database engine.

  • In the "Templates" select "Free tier"

  • In "Settings" give a unique name to your database and either give a Password or Auto-generate it.

  • Keep "Instance Configuration" and "Storage" settings as default.

  • Now, in "Connectivity" choose "Connect to an EC2 compute resource" and click on "Create EC2 instance" if it's not created.

  • After creating the EC2 instance, Configure security group rules to allow inbound traffic on the appropriate port for the type of database you are using (e.g. port 3306 for MySQL).

  • Choose the VPC that you have created already while spinning EC2 instance.

  • Use Password authentication to access the database and click on "Create database"

Step 2: Create an IAM Role with RDS Access

  1. Open IAM Console: In the AWS Management Console, navigate to the IAM service.

  2. Create a New Role:

    • Choose "Roles" from the left menu.

  • Click "Create role."

  • Select the use case "EC2" and click "Next: Permissions."

  1. Attach Policy:

    • Search for and attach the policy "AmazonRDSFullAccess" to grant RDS access.

  1. Review:

    • Review the role details and provide a meaningful name.

  • Click "Create role."

  • Role is Created Successfully.

Step 3: Assign the Role to EC2

  1. Open EC2 Console: In the AWS Management Console, navigate to the EC2 service.

  2. Select Your EC2 Instance:

  3. Actions > Security > Modify IAM role:

    • Attach the IAM role you created and click on update IAM role.

Step 4: Connect EC2 to RDS

  1. SSH into EC2: Use SSH to connect to your EC2 instance.

  2. Install MySQL Client: If not already installed, install the MySQL client on your EC2 instance:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install mysql-client
  • check whether MySQL is installed or not by running the below command.
mysql --version

  • Once the MySQL client is installed, you can connect to the RDS instance using the following command:
mysql -h <RDS endpoint> -P <port> -u <username> -p

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